—Por favor, elige una opción—Rooms and SuitesRestaurantsEventsOffersGeneral query
[group Habitaciones]
[group Restaurantes]
To book a table at any of our restaurants of the Hotel Los Cinco Enebros, please complete the fields on the following form.
We will confirm you the reservation by the contact method you have chosen.
If you have any question, please, write us an email to recepcion@loscincoenebros.com or you can call us to 918981562
Select the Restaurant * — Elegir —Lavanda Restaurant
Date of booking *
Select lunch or dinner * —Por favor, elige una opción—LunchDinner
Preferred time (hh:mm)
Total number of guests
Children (who need a chair)
[group ofertas]
Offers * — Elegir —We bring you the food at homePacks offer for 2021Night in Hotel + Dinner tasting menu Restaurant Lavanda
Date *
[group spa]
Treatment * Ritual Hot stones 100 €Ritual Energizing rosemary massage 60€Massage Wellness 65€Massage Relaxing Back 60 €Massage Relieving 65 €Massage Traditional Thai 95 €Massage Silk Skin 65 €Treatment Detox body 130 €Treatment Red wine 130 €Treatment Gold complex treatment 130 €Treatment special tired legs: Linfo-Detox 65 €Facial Treatment Gold complex 65 €Facial Treatment Nourishing moisturizer 65 €Facial Treatment Exfoliating and facial moisturizing 65 €
Approximate time
[group eventos]
Event * — Elegir —WeddingsNochevieja 2021Navidades 2021Baptisms and CommunionsCompany eventsTeam Building
[group basic]
Name *
Last name *
Phone *
Preferred contact * —Por favor, elige una opción—PhoneEmailIndifferent
Other comments
[group send]
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